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Tertiary Education for Nonzuzo

Making a difference for her future


This beautiful young woman has grown up with many challenges, including being rejected by her own parents, taken in by a grandmother who passed away, and homeless, she was shuffled from house to house, all the while trying to attend school and graduate.

God has His Hand on her life, and recently an aunt learned of her situation, took her in and through love and care, Nonzuzo gave her life to Jesus.

Nonzuzo is being discipled and through the generous donations of our partners, Nonzuzo has been able to enroll in a technical college preparatory course, on her way to fulfilling her dream to become a lawyer.

Nonzuzo is intelligent, determined and hard working.

Please support Nonzuzo's education and discipleship by clicking Give Now.

$1200 for first year tuition.

Empowerment: What We Do

Robotics Training for Andane

$10 per month can change his future

Andane has successfully completed his second robotics course, thanks to Resolution Robotics for donating the kits at a reduced rate. Andane lives in a remote part of South Africa. His dream is to study robotics in the USA and help lift his family out of poverty. You can help him reach his goal by donating just $10 a month.

Empowerment: What We Do

First Graduate - Hezel

Hezel has completed her training

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A Life Changed!

Through our generous partners, Hezel has been able to complete a two-year cosmetology program and is now a licensed hair stylist.  This young woman faced a future of poverty and hardship, but partnership has given her the means to support herself and help her family.  Thank you for changing her life. 

Empowerment: What We Do
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